Soul Spark

The Elephant in the Heart

Let’s talk about the elephant in the heart – Doubt.

Doubt cannot exist when there is a feeling of closeness with someone, because doubt needs distance to survive. You can never doubt someone who is close to you, dear to you. The moment you doubt someone, they are no longer close to you, a distance has appeared. And, in this distance, all sorts of negative emotions like fear, uncertainty, hurt etc. start to surface.

Just as doubting others takes you away from them, doubting yourself weakens your connection with yourself. Remember, when you doubt yourself, no one can make you. But when you believe in yourself, no one can break you. If doubting others means a lack of closeness with them, then doubting yourself means a lack of self-love. Because doubt and love can never coexist!

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  1. असल में जो करीबी होते हैं, उनपर संदेह नहीं करना चाहिए, जब कर लिया तो दूरिया बन्नी ही हैं.. जो अनदेखी होती हैं.. दूसरा नहीं उसे देख पाता…
    और सही हैं भय, पीड़ा, नकारात्मक भावनाएं पैदा होने लगती हैं.. प्रभु आपने बिल्कुल सही कहा है..
    मैं पीड़ा में हु😔

  2. It’s very true.

  3. It’s very true. Love should be unconditional.

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