Soul Spark

The Divine Mother

The wellspring of Her Love never dries,
Her compassion only multiplies
She is the Divine Mother, giving birth to all things pure
There is no wound that Her grace can’t cure

A timeless source of delight,
A haven of peace, with only Love in sight
Formless and immortal, yet taking mortal forms
She comes riding a lion, to save us from deadly storms…

She is the One who heals us in sleep,
The One who hears every silent weep
The Sun that rises with all its might,
The Moon that glows on a surreal night…

She manifests as a Guiding Light,
And illumines the gulf between wrong and right
She casts aside the alluring but ephemeral,
Nourishing only that which is unknown yet eternal

With a swish of Her magic wand,
She can take you to the field beyond
Seek Her embrace, bow down to Her gaze
Surrender to Her all your endeavour
And you shall be set freefree forever

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  1. Beautiful lines of prayer and love… With true love, bhakti and surrendership, she blesses us all with Her Love and Grace, so does our Pratyaksh Sadguru – Sri Guru, who is truly Her image in midst of us all🙏🙏🙏💜💜💜🌸🌸🌸

  2. Heart warming expressions of our Sri Guru ji.
    I really wonder how lucky I am, rather extremely blessed, to have you as a guiding master in my life.
    Love you Sri Guru ji.

  3. Yes! Truly divine words; Mother is always there to protect, nurture and heal. Thanks for these wonderful words of explicit divinity, which show the LOVE of a Mother, our divine energy in us. Thanks to Sadguru Sri Gurudev for opening these channels of Love in us, which radiates from you to us, and in all directions… Vibrant and dancing in your glory O Divine mother!

  4. जय कृपालु श्री गुरु। इस दास का आपके चरण कमल में कोटि-कोटि वंदन, नमन। मां आद्यशक्ति का प्रेम गीलापन रक्षा जब अनुभव में आता है जब श्री गुरु अपने वचनामृत से मुद्रा से ध्यान संघ से प्रेम के पानी से इस फूटे हुए घड़े .तोड़कर फोड़कर पुनर्निर्माण करते हैं फिर प्रेम का पानी भरते हो फिर भक्ति – रूपी बीज डालते हो फिर हृदय में कंपन होता हैऔर अकम्प चित होता है है साहेब सुरता लगती हैफिर मां आदिशक्ति बरसती हैहमारी मां आद्या शक्ति श्री गुरु आप ही होऐसा में अनुभव से कहता हूं गुरुदेवगुरुर ब्रह्मा गुरुर विष्णु गुरुर – देवो महेश्वराय गुरुर साक्षात पार ब्रह्म तस्मे श्री गुरुवे नमः

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