Soul Spark

Fears are Good!

A seeker on the journey ‘Home’ will always have to face fears that they never thought existed. Why? The journey Home is a journey of awareness that penetrates deep within our layered mind. But when we live a life of unawareness, many of our fears are never known to us as they lie dormant in the deeper layers of the mind. When these unknown fears surface, know that light of awareness has reached your deeper core.

Let all your fears be seen by the light of your awareness. And remember – whatever emotion is seen by the light of energy is on its way to being burnt out. Feeling the fear of the unknown is good. Know that you are diving deep to become pure.

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  1. इस उत्तम आत्म अवलोकन के सिद्धांत को साझा करने के लिए आपको वंदन🙏🏻
    मैं अपनी इस स्थिति से अब तक घबरा रही थी। अब अपनी स्थिति को समझ कर मन शांत हो रहा है।

  2. जय कृपालु
    मेरा प्रणाम
    आपका मार्ग दर्शन मुझे एक नया जोश, मनोबल और आत्मबल देता रहता है। आप मेरे जीवन पथ-प्रदर्शक ही लगते हैं

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