वैराग्य – अध्यात्म का शुभारंभ | Shri Ram’s Vairagya | Maharamayan Series EP #13

Yogvaashishth Maharamayan Curated

वैराग्य – अध्यात्म का शुभारंभ | Shri Ram’s Vairagya | Maharamayan Series EP #13

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May 4, 2023

“Only after a real sense of Vairagya does one realize the need for Dharma.”

Vairagya is often confined to renunciation, or the practice of letting go of worldly possessions, pleasures, and attachments. But the actual invocation of Vairagya begins much before that. It comes when our conscience pinches us after having over-indulged in pursuit of material possessions, social relationships, or other aspects of the physical world. It begins when we realize how caught up we are in a never-ending cycle of craving, grasping, and dissatisfaction. Young Prince Ram feels that same uneasiness, that same inconsolable pinch, as he returned to Ayodhya after an 8-month-long pilgrimage across India. One can say, he is feeling that real sense of Vairagya that becomes the ladder to spiritual evolution.

Thus, how does one cultivate this important virtue in daily life? Here, Sri Guru offers a simpler approach to Vairagya.

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