Soul Spark

The Kingdom of Prosperity

The kingdom of God is a land of many riches. One who has fulfilling relationships and a loving community around them is, in my opinion, wealthy. One who has excellent health, adventure, excitement and continuous learning is also considered wealthy in a different sense. And, one who wakes up every morning feeling deeply at peace and still passionate to live life like a Karma Yogi is also full of riches in a unique way.

Our society has taught us that economic wealth is the only type of wealth we should chase.

Not really true.

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  1. જય કૃપાળુ પ્રભુ,
    આપ ના ચરણો મા કોટી કોટી વંદન પ્રભુ
    આપનું કથન સાચું જ છે
    સમાજે આર્થિક સંપતિ ની જ મહિમા સમજાવે છે. સાચી સંપતિ તો આપના શરણ માં આવ્યા પછી જ સમાજ માં આવી. અને આપ ના સાંનિધ્યમાં રહી ને એવું જીવન જીવવાની પ્રેરણા મળી
    અહો ઉપકાર શ્રી સદગુરુ, અહો ઉપકાર.
    I Love you Prabhu.🙏🙏🙏

  2. श्री गुरु, आपने पूरा खजाना अंदर बताया; बताया ही नहीं बल्कि दिया भी सही। प्रेम गली अति सांकरी तामे दो न समाई… जब से आपके सत्संग सुने हैं, अहंकार, अज्ञान, सभी पिघलते जा रहे हैं। हमें हमारे दोष दिखते हैं, दूसरों के नहीं। हे नाथ, यह दृष्टि पहले उलटी होती थी। हे नाथ, अब केवल श्री गुरु के प्रेम का साम्राज्य… यह कैसी प्रेम की बारिश है?! हमने कुछ नहीं किया, आपने सब कुछ दे दिया हैं। हे नाथ, जीवन पर्यंत श्री गुरु को समर्पण। कोटि-कोटि नमन, वंदन श्री गुरु!

  3. प्रभु आपके प्रेम में अब पूर्ण संतोष धन की वृद्धि हो रही है जो कि उत्तम धन है। ये आपके प्रेम की करुणा से प्राप्त हुआ है। अहो उपकार सदगुरुदेव!🙏❤️

  4. Yes, we always think money can give us all kinds of security, joy and happiness, and we accumulate our wealth with that same thought. Hence, we end up using all our wealth to make only ourselves secure. But we all should know this fact that wealth is just a medium to give us certain necessities and some standard that’s it… Rest all our security and joy will always be within ourselves and with our contentment!

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