
जीवन्मुक्त दशा साधना और विज्ञान | Understanding Scale of Consciousness | Maharamayan Series by Sri Guru

understanding scale of consciousness, scale of consciousness, levels of consciousness, consciousness, understanding levels of consciousness

Every religion preaches right values and behaviour amongst people. However, it is our experience that living up to these values when the need arises is extremely difficult. This creates a split within our personality. Consequently, we presume this ‘right living’ as unattainable, and label the lives of those who had the courage to walk this path, like Lord Ram, as an exception. Therefore, today we must work on understanding scale of consciousness. 

Consciously removing all the vices from within and inculcating the right virtues is important; but it is only a part of the journey. Solely relying on our intellect to make this transformation possible can take several years, and in fact lives. Instead, with right spiritual and scientific understanding we can steadfast this process and thus attain our highest possibility in this single life. 


Visit: how ramayana has inspired indian values


If energy is the fabric of Soul (चेतन), ‘Consciousness’ (चेतना) is that attribute which decides where on the ladder of evolution we exactly stand. Re-calibrating our energies to commune our consciousness with the pure energy-level of Soul effortlessly transforms our personality as we embark on the journey of unfolding our infinite possibilities. A Sadguru knows the tricks to decode the mystical apparatus of ours, and hence graces mankind with such meditation or Yogic techniques. At SRM, Sri Guru blessed the seekers with the divine “Shakti Kriya”, that fulfils this purpose.

Click for a good understanding of Ramcharitmanas 

On the basis of various scientific understandings like the Energy Equilibrium, and the Law of Conservation of Mass & Energy (Derived from research by Dr. David R. Hawkins – The Map of Consciousness Explained), Sri Guru provides a scientific interpretation of the existence of an enlightened soul. Watch Episode#10 for understanding scale of consciousness and step up on your journey to know yourself..!


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