Soul Spark

Become Boring

Have you ever been given the unenviable title of being “boring”? Maybe you are not as enthusiastic about shopping as others in your family. Or maybe you have become an expert at politely declining your friends’ plans for a weekend movie, preferring to spend the free time in spiritual solitude.  If yes, then you might have made peace with terms like “boring”, “spoilsport”, or maybe even an “old soul”.

The pull of spirituality reduces your dependency on external stimuli for happiness. When the Higher calls, the lower naturally drops. So take these nicknames as a sign of spiritual maturity. 

Being ‘boring’ means that your interests have outgrown those of an ordinary human being. When you know you can afford to buy an actual BMW, why would you run after a Hot Wheels version?

Being an ‘old soul’ means you are shedding your old beliefs and lifestyle. As the popular spiritual saying goes – “You must die before you die”.

And being a ‘spoilsport’ means you are no longer willing to spoil the Divine Plan and delay the ultimate celebration – discovering your true self.

A Self-realised being is awakened in that supreme knowledge which is night to all beings. And the transient worldly pleasures in which all beings live, is night for the Self-realized being.

Bhagavad Gita 2:69

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  1. Thank you Sri Guru.
    Yesterday, I got comments in office that you should attend office parties having fun with drinks, dance and food. I denied it as I don’t enjoy going to such places any more. Outcome was that I am no longer a fun loving person, I don’t jell up well with office colleagues etc.
    Thank you Sri Guru for Soul Spark – Become Boring. Love you Sri Guru.

  2. ‘बोरिंग’ होने के महत्व को जिस तरह से आध्यात्मिक दृष्टिकोण से जोड़ा है प्रभु, वह सचमुच अद्भुत और विचारणीय है। भगवद् गीता के श्लोक संदर्भ से यह विचार और भी प्रबल बन गया है। यह हमें याद दिलाता है कि बाहरी सुखों से परे, आंतरिक शांति और आत्म-खोज ही असली धन है। धन्यवाद प्रभु इस सुंदर दृष्टिकोण को साझा करने के लिए।

    हम धन्य हुए प्रभु
    अहो उपकार 🙏🏻

  3. श्री गुरु आप ने मेरे दिल मे प्यार से बैठकर मेरे सब भावो को, विचारो को पढ़ लिया। अब और क्या कहूँ? ऐसा ही हो रहा है; परम आत्मिक सुख के अलावा संसार क्षण भंगुर रात्री जैसा लगता है। परम की बात और मौन ,अन्तर में रहना स्वाभाविक होता जा रहा है। अहो सद्गुरु, तार अब!

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